In our gospels we proclaim a Lord who suffers with the suffering, who grieves with the grieving, who knows our isolation, our pain. Every Christian is called to the tasks of healing, comforting and companionship. But there are people among us with special gifts. They can become the sacramental presence of Christ in our midst. A pastoral care visitor is one who provides compassionate caring and a listening heart. This ministry is both a sign of hope and an intimate sharing of the good news.
We have at St. Martha a group of trained pastoral care visitors who are available to call on Catholic patients confined to the hospital. These ministers of care serve as representatives of St. Martha faith community.
They serve as a liaison to the parish priests and serve as a powerful witness to God’s presence. All visits are strictly confidential as are any conversations held within the visit. All of the pastoral care visitors are carefully trained volunteers with professional directions. They have undergone a course of study, background checks and made visits under supervision.
Parishioners wishing to avail themselves of this service have only to contact the parish office and request a visit. The request will be filled usually within 24 hours. For more information regarding this ministry, you may contact;
Sheila Yepsen 281-358-5585